Our Approach
This type of testing can be scary. All of our customers are risk-averse yet >95% of our tests are against production infrastructures. RedWolf’s testing methodology features slow-and-safe ramp-ups, high frequency monitoring that detects impacts instantly and real-time traffic control with emergency 10 second stops.
Technology Partners

When selecting a DDoS testing vendor you want one who can support you for the long haul. One that understands the complexity of the threat environment as well as the realities and challenges of optimizing enterprise systems. Choose RedWolf because:
- MOST TRUSTED – Experience & Evidence – 10+ years of testing, over 50 Fortune 200 companies as customers. Tremendous domain experience.
- PROVEN PROCESS – Managed & Self-Serve – Cost effective battle-tested process makes running a DDoS testing project easy.
- EXTREMELY REALISTIC – Realistic Attack Vectors – We have the latest attacks & more vectors than any other solution – over 100 different DDoS attack vectors that can be run at any intensity level from small to titanic.
Choose a vendor that has the most experience, the best processes to produce the most useful attacks in the shortest amount of time, and one that has the most realistic attack generation capability. Start with expert-led managed services and/or run tests yourself cost-effectively using the amazing RedWolf testing portal.
RedWolf has refined its testing methodology to a high degree. The approach is optimized to identify the most significant vulnerabilities within the shortest amount of time. It is not always ‘large’ attacks that cause the most problems. RedWolf tests can be optimized to target specific vendor vulnerabilities (e.g. Cisco routers, Apache vs. IIS web servers). RedWolf has amassed a massive enterprise device-centric knowledge base.
It’s the differences that matter
Extremely experienced DDoS team with over 4,000 tests completed since 2006
RedWolf experts will perform recon and target profiling and designing an optimal test plan. All tests developed become part of your re-usable test library.
Recommended (and used by) most anti-DDoS companies, CDNs, Cloud Providers and Gartner
Most attack vectors (DDoS and others) on the market
RedWolf has captured all popular 'in-the-wild' DDoS attacks and offers special 'RedWolf Enhanced' versions as well
Hundreds of high-resolution metrics captured in real-time. Next-generation DDoS specific monitoring system has no market peer. Reports have extreme levels of detail.