Blog & Industry News

RedWolf works with your organization’s team globally to elevate skills, increase understanding of their cyber defenses that improves their cyber defense capability over time. Keep up to date with their innovative defense platform news on the blog.

October 13, 2023

Secure Your HTTP/2 Infrastructure Against Rapid Reset Attacks with RedWolf Security

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, new vulnerabilities and attack vectors are discovered almost daily. One such recent discovery... Read More

January 18, 2023

Understanding and Running “Middlebox TCP Reflected Amplification Attacks” with the RedWolf Platform

Middlebox TCP-reflected amplified attacks are a new DDoS attack vector, first disclosed... Read More

March 7, 2022

Help RedWolf Formalize Joining the AWS DDoS Partner Program

RedWolf has been listed on the AWS website as a trusted DDoS... Read More

February 15, 2019

Meet RedWolf at RSA Conference 2019

Sharjil Khan, Principal Consultant at Redwolf Security Inc will be giving a... Read More

July 2, 2018

New Web Site Crawler Scenarios!

Many customers have requested that RedWolf add web site crawler capability to the platform. Crawlers are used to enumerate pages on web sites and scrape information.  Crawlers are designed to exhibit realistic usage patterns to avoid detection by WAF’s and DDoS devices. RedWolf is pleased to announce the new capability of automated Web Site Crawling scenarios Read More

February 15, 2018

RedWolf Test Target

Everyone knows it is difficult to get an environment ready for test. RedWolf’s Test Target VM’s are pre-configured test servers that can function as a ‘victim’ or ‘target’ of an attack and send real-time telemetry to your RedWolf control system. This lets you see both the ‘attacker’ and the ‘victim’ statistics side-by-side. The main benefits Read More

October 2, 2017

Self Serve Testing

Q: How is self-serve training delivered? A: Training is required (always included) for the self-serve portal. It needs to be refreshed every 6 months.   Q: What is the portal URL? A:   The portal supports multi-factor authentication and can even be limited to logins from a single IP. So authentication is safe.   Read More

September 14, 2017

Managed Testing Explained

Q: How long does it take to schedule a test? ALWAYS AVAILABLE 24/7: Self Serve Tests SCHEDULING REDWOLF MANAGED TESTS: Immediately if resources available. Normal is two weeks.  If test design / recon / etc… is necessary two to three weeks is recommended. Try to get on a calendar as soon as possible. Weekends are Read More

August 15, 2017

RedWolf Technical Details

Q: Can a Virtual Machine be provided to be used as a target for the testing? YES. RedWolf offers a downloadable VMware virtual machine ‘agent’ that can be used in local networks (typically labs) to generate traffic. Even though these agents are local they are still controlled from the same ‘’ portal.   The amount Read More

Meet RedWolf at RSA Conference 2019

Sharjil Khan, Principal Consultant at Redwolf Security Inc will be giving a presentation ‘How to Design and Operate a DDOS Testing Program’ on March 6th between 1:30pm and 4:30pm.

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